Journal article

Education and Economic Certainty: The Relationship of the Phenomena and Implementation Peculiarities Regarding the Real Estate Market



Published in:

The Economics of Uncertainty: Content, Evaluation, and Regulation
economic certainty
implementation peculiarities
real estate market

The relevance of the research on education influence on achieving a higher level of economic certainty is primarily explained by education significant stabilizing potential. The existence of such a potential has been proven by many econometric studies and events in the history of many countries. With limited opportunities and resources for economic and social development, education has repeatedly become a decisive factor in stabilization. It is important that education does not appear automatically as a factor of stabilization. There is a certain transfer mechanism of the influence of education on economic certainty. In our opinion, this mechanism should be the subject of special research. The applied value of such a research is the substantiation of ways and forms of education modernization, taking into account the needs of a higher level of economic stability and certainty. This study is based on the hypothesis that the content of education, the forms in which it is carried out, can create a basis for a higher level of economic stability. The connection between education and economic certainty is not direct. It is mediated by certain units (elements) of a special transmission mechanism. Only under certain conditions will these units transmit the impulses received from education towards greater economic certainty. Under other conditions, education can be a factor of uncertainty. The idea of the transfer elements and the logic of the connection between education and economic certainty are given in Fig. 1.

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