Journal article

Digital Transformations of Education Policy



Published in:

Baltic Journal of Economic Studies
public policy
digital transformation
digital skills

The relevance of the digitalization process for policymaking is increasing every year, and it is the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic that has highlighted the need for digital transformation, especially in education. Governments around the world are trying to minimize the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the forced transition to online learning. The global ambition to establish a continuous educational process. The digitalization process has its advantages and disadvantages, the process is scalable, and the field of education and policymaking covers virtually the entire population. The object of the study is the process of digital transformation of educational policy. The purpose of the study is to analyze and justify the directions of digitalization, modeling policy in education and science in Ukraine and abroad. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development of the European Union pays special attention to the digitalization of education. This process is being transformed through reflection in documents, policies, strategies, and more. The focus areas are the development and implementation of national digital skills strategies and the formation of national digital skills and digital jobs coalitions, according to the European Union Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition. In Ukraine, the development of digital skills of the population is one of the government's priorities in the process of digital transformation and is crucial for efficiency, stimulating the economy, creating jobs, and ensuring social progress. Over the past 5 years, several important documents have been adopted, projects and programs have been implemented to accelerate the digitalization process, and institutions responsible for the efficiency of digitalization have been created. Today, the main stakeholders in the implementation and implementation of the process of digitalization of educational policy are the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine – these are the founders and reformers in the formation of relevant programs, new directions in the education system, which are aimed at improving the digital literacy of the population.

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