Development of the Enterprise’s Innovative Potential on the Basis of Resource Theory
2021Published in:
Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and PracticeInnovations play a great role in economic growth and development. And the question of explaining enterprises’ ability to generate and implement them is topical from both scientific and applied points of view. The article is dedicated to the issues of innovative potential and its development. Authors explain its essence on the basis of resource theory and propose to determine its main components such as innovative resources, innovative capabilities, innovative competencies, and innovative projects. Based on this, it is proposed to define innovative potential as a set of integrated characteristics, which utilize innovative resources with the help of innovative competencies on the basis of innovative organizational capabilities. Innovation resources include both traditional and intellectual resources. Innovative competencies are sets of personnel features to generate innovative ideas and provide their implementation. Innovative organizational capabilities characterize the ability of enterprises to use innovative resources by developing modern business models, processes, and procedures. Innovative projects are the main tools for realizing innovative potential. Research shows the expediency for evaluating and monitoring innovative potential development using a four-component matrix. These components are resources, competencies, capabilities, and projects. The first three are components of innovative potential, the fourth is the embodiment of the realization of innovative potential. These components are evaluated based on the binary logic of economic processes analysis. A dynamic model of innovative potential development is proposed. This model consists of the following stages: analysis of innovative potential components; selection of target innovative projects; identification of correspondence between components of innovative potential and target projects; creation of an innovation potential development program.
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