Journal article

The Influence of Results in Various Types of Climbing on the Result in the Olympic Climbing Combined at the 2018 World Cup (men)

speed climbing
lead climbing
climbing combined

Climbing will be presented at the 2020 Olympic Games as an independent competitive discipline in the "Climbing Combined" format, which will include all competitive disciplines. The aim of the study: identifying the relationship between the ranking in certain types of sports climbing and the ranking in the Olympic discipline of climbing "Climbing Combined" in men according to the results of the 2018 World Cup. The study involved 87 climbers (men) who took part in the 2018 World Cup. The data presented in the competition protocols on lead, speed, bouldering, and Climbing Combined were summarized (places occupied by the athlete, points were awarded to him to summarize the results). Pearson's correlation analysis was performed to identify the relationship between rating in various climbing disciplines and Climbing Combined rating. Using the analysis of variance, the effect of the results in various disciplines on the result in Climbing Combined was determined. It is shown that athletes who specialize in the Lead and Bouldering disciplines are more likely to compete in the Climbing Combined, as the results in these disciplines are interrelated and significantly affect the result in the All-round.

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Authors: Hanna Kniaz

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Міфологічна Подорож Героя як Ініціація в Поемі «Мазепа» Дж. Г. Байрона

Publisher: Закарпатські філологічні студії

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Publisher: Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди

Authors: Hanna Kniaz

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Change in the Biomechanical Characteristics of Running as a Result of an Individual 1-Year Program for Training an Elite Athlete With Visual Impairment for Paralympic Games

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