
Gender Mainstreaming At The Labour Market Of Ukraine And Role Of The Public Employment Service



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International Labour Organization


gender mainstreaming
gender equality
women workers
men workers
equal employment opportunity
employment service

This report is the outcome of the project on Gender Mainstreaming in the Public Employment Service of Ukraine (PES), initiated by the ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Central and Eastern Europe in Budapest (DWT/COBudapest) within the largescale project "Gender Equality in the World of Work," implemented in Ukraine by the ILO and cofunded by the European Union and the ILO. The main objective of the project is to develop an action plan for the Public Employment Service (PES) of Ukraine to improve its capacity in developing and implementing gendersensitive labour market policies, programmes and services. The project also aims to ensure that the PES proactively encourages equal outcomes regard ing male and female employment and vertical and horizontal gender desegregation of the labour market. This report is a background study for the development of training materials on gender mainstreaming in the PES that will be further developed by international experts. The report analyses the most relevant data, materials and policies in the Ukrainian labour market from a gender perspective and provides a checklist for effective gender mainstreaming in the PES of Ukraine. An essential part of the report is an empirical study based on a sociological survey of PES specialists, registered jobseekers and employers on gender equality issues and the performance of the PES carried out in March and April 2010. The Ukrainian team working on the project consisted of the national coordinator of the ILOEU project "Gender Equality in the World of Work" in Ukraine, Sergiy Savchuk; the project assistant, Galyna Meshcheryakova; the author of this report and questionnaires used in the survey, Olga Kupets (the Economics Department of the National University of KyivMohyla Academy); and the local consultant respon sible for the sociological part of the project (i.e. the survey of jobseekers and employers), Natalia Kharchenko (Kyiv International Institute of Sociology). The team leaders were Verena Schmidt and Natalia Popova from the ILO DWT/COBudapest. Athena Bochanis, who was undertaking an internship at ILO DWT/COBudapest during summer 2010, kindly edited the English version of the text.

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