What Vision For The Future Of Europe?
2024Published in:
European University InstituteFaced with a rapidly changing geopolitical environment, ‘the European union must dare to assert itself as a global, sustainable, and responsible power and not only as a participant torn between other powers. In this respect, the EU needs to review its model to be able to produce the common goods that citizens need in domains such as democracy, defence and security, education, science and technology, environment, energy, health, agriculture, or culture … and that none of the Member States has the capacity or the resources to build alone.’ This panel brings together experts from across Europe and North America to discuss the first report of ‘The Conclave’ outlining a vision for Europe in 2040. The focus will be on geopolitics. Professor Loukas Tsoukalis played a leading role in shaping that part of the report’s recommendations.
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Russia As An Alternative Security Provider: The Greek Perspective On The “Ukraine Crisis”
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Authors: Ivan Gomza, Nadiia Koval
The Russian Flag Will Be Flown Wherever Russian Is Spoken
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The Winter Of Our Discontent: Emotions And Contentious Politics In Ukraine During Euromaidan
Publisher: Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal
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Morphological Analysis of Narratives of the Russian‑Ukrainian Conflict in Western Academia and Think‑Tank Community
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Security Strategies And Policies After 2014
Publisher: STRATPOL
Authors: Nadiia Koval
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