Pandemic Politics in Eurasia: Roadmap for a New Research Subfield
2020Published in:
Problems of Post-CommunismThe sudden onset of COVID-19 has challenged many social scientists to proceed without a robust theoretical and empirical foundation upon which to build. Addressing this challenge, particularly as it pertains to Eurasia, our multinational group of scholars draws on past and ongoing research to suggest a roadmap for a new pandemic politics research subfield. Key research questions include not only how states are responding to the new coronavirus, but also reciprocal interactions between the pandemic and society, political economy, regime type, center-periphery relations, and international security. The Foucauldian concept of “biopolitics” holds out particular promise as a theoretical framework.
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25 publications found
Ukraine Rides High While COVID‑19 Lays Neighbors Low: But for How Long?
Publisher: Ponars Eurasia
Authors: Ivan Gomza
How to Hide an Empire: Naming and Nature of Russo‑Ukrainian War
Publisher: Krytyka
Authors: Ivan Gomza
Too Much Ado About Ukrainian Nationalists: the Azov Movement and the War in Ukraine
Publisher: Krytyka
Authors: Ivan Gomza
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Publisher: Krytyka
Authors: Ivan Gomza
The War in Ukraine: Putin's Inevitable Invasion
Publisher: Journal of Democracy
Authors: Ivan Gomza
Суспільно‑Політичні Рухи: Навчальний Посібник
Publisher: Kyiv-Mohyla University Press
Authors: Ivan Gomza
Black Sun Rising: Political Opportunity Structure Perceptions and Institutionalization of the Azov Movement in Post‑Euromaidan Ukraine
Publisher: Cambridge University Pres
Authors: Ivan Gomza, Johann Zajaczkowski
La Société Civile Ukrainienne Pendant la Guerre : la force des « Liens Faibles »
Publisher: Les Dossiers du CER
Authors: Ivan Gomza
The Winter of Our Discontent: Emotions and Contentious Politics in Ukraine during Euromaidan
Publisher: Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal
Authors: Ivan Gomza, Nadiia Koval
Мультисекторальна Класифікація Авторитарних Режимів
Publisher: Наукові записки НаУКМА
Authors: Ivan Gomza