Conference proceedings

Occupational Choice Of Migrants: Does Neg Tell Something New?



Published in:

European Regional Science Association
labor migration
occupational choice
new economic geography

We consider an empirical model in which individuals choose jointly their destination country and occupational choice. We plan to estimate this model using Ukrainian micro-data. The main results (to be yet obtained) will shed light on joint determinants of workers' migration decisions and their occupational choice in destination regions.

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10 publications found

Journal article

Feminized Forced Migration: Ukrainian War Refugees

Publisher: Women's Studies International Forum

Authors: Hanna Vakhitova, Josephine Andrews , Jakub Isański, Marek Nowak, Victoriya Sereda, Alexandra Vacroux

Book Chapter

Innovation, Adoption, Ownership And Productivity: Evidence From Ukraine

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan London

Authors: Hanna Vakhitova, J. David Brown, John S. Earle, Vitaliy Zheka


Odbiór Społeczny I Integracja Uchodźców Z Ukrainy

Publisher: UKREF

Authors: Hanna Vakhitova, Jakub Isański, Marek Nowak, Michał A. Michalski , Victoriya Sereda, Włodzimierz Chwiałkowski, Kaili Dembek, Halina Herasym, Dominik Kamiński, Jędrzej Kozak, Aleksandra Sternalska, Michał Nowosielski

MA Thesis

Price Discrimination In The Urban Household Electricity Market In Ukraine

Publisher: National University “Kiev-Mohyla Academy”

Authors: Hanna Vakhitova

Working paper

Recent Dynamics Of Returns To Education In Transition Countries

Publisher: Kyiv School of Economics

Authors: Hanna Vakhitova, Tom Coupe


Social Reception And Inclusion Of Refugees From Ukraine

Publisher: UKREF

Authors: Hanna Vakhitova, Victoriya Sereda, Michał A. Michalski , Marek Nowak, Jakub Isański

Book Chapter

From The Source To Destination Countries: Central And Eastern Europe On The Move (As Usual)

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Cham

Authors: Hanna Vakhitova, Jakub Isański, Jaroslav Dvorak, Siim Espenberg, Michał A. Michalski , Victoriya Sereda, Julija Melnikova

Journal article

Employment Of Displaced And Non‑Displaced Households In Luhansk And Donetsk Oblasti

Publisher: Europe-Asia Studies

Authors: Hanna Vakhitova, Pavlo Iavorskyi

Journal article

International Migration From Ukraine: Will Trends Increase Or Go Into Reverse?

Publisher: Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami

Authors: Hanna Vakhitova, Agnieszka Fihel


Costs And Benefits Of Labour Mobility Between The Eu And The Eastern Partnership Partner Countries

Publisher: London School of Economics and Political Science

Authors: Hanna Vakhitova, Tom Coupe

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