Journal article

The Conflict In Eastern Ukraine And International Support For The Decentralization Reform (2014–2022): Theory-Guided Observations



Published in:

East European Politics and Societies
Decentralization reform
Conflict management
Territorial self-governance (TSG)
International donors
Hybrid war

This article explores Western donors’ support for the decentralization reform in post-Euromaidan Ukraine prior to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, with a focus on the relationship between decentralization and conflict management. It demonstrates that, despite the protracted conflict in eastern Ukraine, bilateral donors have preferred to address Ukraine’s decentralization from the governance reform perspective, rather than as a form of territorial self-governance (TSG) arrangement, linked to conflict resolution. They have also tended to “outsource” conflict-related support to multilateral organizations. This article explains the Russian Federation’s use of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk “People’s Republics” as proxies in an international conflict and the contested nature of the role played by the Minsk Protocol in determining the form of support provided for reform. It concludes with insights into the implications of donor support for the decentralization reform in Ukraine for research on decentralization and other TSG solutions in conflict-affected contexts.

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