Book Chapter

Chapter 11. Education Reforms During And After The War



Published in:

CEPR Press
Human capital
education system
education reforms

Human capital is Ukraine’s most valuable asset today and will continue to be in the future. The education system is key to creating and maintaining this asset. Education will be crucial for Ukraine’s reconstruction because it not only provides the necessary knowledge and enhances human capital, but also brings up good citizens by promoting human rights, integrity and responsibility. Education reforms need to continue with the long-term view of the education system rather than sporadic small steps, focusing on advising and training rather than overwhelming regulation and, most importantly, aiming for quality rather than quantity. Education should be developed as a holistic system, with reforms of secondary schools, vocational schools and universities aligned under one strategy and complementing each other. All levels of education should help students to develop their talents and select occupations according to their preferences. Higher education institutions should not only provide education but also implement research as well as becoming centres of discussion on socially important issues. Education institutions will also need to deal with psychological trauma of the war, as well as the reintegration of students with multiple vulnerabilities. More generally, the education system will need to become much more inclusive, and this inclusivity should be perceived as a social rather than medical issue and appropriate resources (equipment, teacher training, etc.) should be provided. This calls for compensatory policies and greater flexibility of education and requires support and training for both staff and students.

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