Found 47 publications
Journal article
The Impact of Welfare States on the Division of Housework in the Family: A New Comprehensive Theoretical and Empirical Framework of Analysis
Publisher: Journal of Family Issues
Authors: Tamilina Larysa, Natalya Tamilina
Analytical article
Why are Russia and Russians Incompatible with Democracy? An Analysis of the Historical Foundations of Russians’ Attitudes towards Authority and Democracy
Publisher: VOX Ukraine
Authors: Tamilina Larysa
Working paper
A Psycho-Historical Analysis of Nations: The Example of Ukraine and Russia
Publisher: Munich Personal RePEc Archive
Authors: Tamilina Larysa
Journal article
Explaining the Impact of Formal Institutions on Social Trust: A Psychological Approach
Publisher: Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics
Authors: Tamilina Larysa, Natalya Tamilina
Working paper
Social Trust Formation in the Workplace: Applying the Job Strain Model to Explain Variations in Social Trust Levels among Employed Individuals
Publisher: Munich Personal RePEc Archive
Authors: Tamilina Larysa, Natalya Tamilina
Analytical article
What Makes Us, Ukrainians, Different From Russians? Aspirations for Freedom, Liberal Democracy, and Inclusive Society as The Primary Markers for the Ukrainian-Russian Divide!
Publisher: VOX Ukraine
Authors: Tamilina Larysa
Working paper
The Historical Origins of Pro-Democratic Attitudes in Ukraine
Publisher: Munich Personal RePEc Archive
Authors: Tamilina Larysa
Working paper
Explaining the Impact of Formal Institutions on Social Trust: A Psychological Approach
Publisher: Munich Personal RePEc Archive
Authors: Tamilina Larysa, Natalya Tamilina
Working paper
Psychology of Trust: A Three Component Analytical Framework to Explain the Impact of Formal Institutions on Social Trust Formation
Publisher: Munich Personal RePEc Archive
Authors: Tamilina Larysa, Natalya Tamilina
Analytical article
Who Ends Up in a Social Bubble? Exploring Young Users’ Behavior on Social Media Platforms in Ukraine
Publisher: VOX Ukraine
Authors: Tamilina Larysa, Hryniv Dzvenyslava, Pavlo Hulko