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Found 5 publications

Journal article

Prior Hospitalization and the Risk of Heart Attack in Older Adults: A 12-Year Prospective Study of Medicare Beneficiaries

Publisher: The Journals of Gerontology

Authors: Fredric D Wolinsky, Suzanne Bentler, Li Liu, Michael P Jones, Brian Kaskie, Jason Hockenberry, Elizabeth A Chrischilles, Kara B Wright, John F Geweke, Obrizan Maksym, Robert L Ohsfeldt, Gary E Rosenthal, Robert B Wallace 

Journal article

Older Adults Who Persistently Present to the Emergency Department With Severe, Non-Severe, and Indeterminate Episode Patterns

Publisher: BMC Geriatrics

Authors: Obrizan Maksym, Brian Kaskie, Michael P Jones, Suzanne Bentler

Journal article

Long-term Declines in ADLs, IADLs, and Mobility Among Older Medicare Beneficiaries

Publisher: BMC Geriatrics

Authors: Fredric D Wolinsky, Obrizan Maksym, Suzanne Bentler, Jason Hockenberry, Michael P Jones, Paula AM Weigel, Brian Kaskie, Robert B Wallace 

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