KSE Publications is a collection of the major academic and analytical publications produced by the KSE community.
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Ukraine's Road to Recovery
Publisher: Universities UK International
Authors: Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Stepanchuk Serhiy
An Interim Assessment of the War‑Induced Damages and Losses in Ukraine’s Agriculture
Publisher: the German Association for East European Studies
Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Roman Neyter
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985 total publications
Чи Існує Альтернатива Традиційним Джерелам Енергії Та Скільки Вона Коштує?
Publisher: VOX Ukraine
Authors: Daria Kyryliuk, Oleksandra Fedchenko, Maksym Khmaruk, Oleksandr Kuzmenko
Mental Health In Germany Before, During And After The COVID‑19 Pandemic
Publisher: PLoS One
Authors: Maksym Obrizan, Alexander Patzina, Matthias Collischon, Rasmus Hoffmann
Ukraine, One Year On
Publisher: Conflict and Society
Authors: Tina Polek, Volodymyr Artiukh, Taras Fedirko, Maryna Hrymych, Ana Ivasiuc
Tracing the Historical Origins of Contemporary Political Cultures: A Comparative Analysis of Russia and Ukraine
Publisher: Journal of Developing Societies
Authors: Larysa Tamilina
Stochastic Selection Problem For A Stratonovich Sde With Power Non‑Linearity
Publisher: Bernoulli
Authors: Georgiy Shevchenko, Ilya Pavlyukevich
Тривожимося Та Банкрутимося: Як Зупинка Транспорту Під Час Тривоги Впливає На Бюджет Міста Та Киян
Publisher: ҐРУНТ
Authors: Anastasiia Klius, Anastasiia Kozerivska, Anastasiia Kostenko, Olesia Mykhailenko
Healthcare Provision In Ukraine During The War Time
Publisher: VOX Ukraine
Authors: Daan-Max van Dongen, Maksym Obrizan
Graphs With Odd And Even Distances Between Non‑Cut Vertices
Publisher: Opuscula Mathematica
Authors: Sergiy Kozerenko, Kateryna Antoshyna
Memes, Freedom, And Resilience To Information Disorders: Information Warfare Between Democracies And Autocracies
Publisher: Social Sciences & Humanities Open
Authors: Anton Liagusha, Dmytro Iarovyi
Кешбекова Економіка: Чи Працює Національна Програма Для Споживачів?
Publisher: КОШТ
Authors: Olena Baklanova, Olena Zhul, Bohdan Kovalenko, Tetiana Seheda, Mykhailo Rak