Book Chapter

Psychology in Ukraine



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To understand the current challenges to psychology in Ukraine, it is important to look at the development of science through the prism of history. Modern Ukraine is a European country that openly fights for democratic values in the current war against Russian colonization and oppression. This is a significant shift, given that for many years our country was part of the Soviet Union. For 69 years, psychological science developed in very specific ideological, economic and cultural conditions, which determined the scope of scientific research and theory, the development of clinical psychology in the complete absence of private practice, as well as significant isolation from world science. Since the restoration of Ukraine’s independence in the early 1990s of the 20th century, psychology in Ukraine has been actively developing, making up for the gaps and strengthening its scientific and practical potential

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9 publications found

Journal article

Зміст Еротичних Фантазій: Діагностичний Та Терапевтичний Потенціал У Практичній Роботі

Publisher: Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету

Authors: Valeriia Palii

Journal article

Social Determinants Of Mental Well‑Being: Senses Of Powerlessness And Empowerment Among Romani In Ukraine

Publisher: Mental Health and Social Inclusion

Authors: Valeriia Palii, Viktoriia Gorbunova, Natalia Gusak, Vitalii Klymchuk, Vitalina Ustenko, Zemfira Kondur, Viola Popenko, John Oates

Journal article

Ethical Aspects Of Psychological Work In Ukraine: Past, Present, And Future

Publisher: Ethics & Behavior

Authors: Valeriia Palii

Journal article

Social Constructions Of Mental Health Among Romani In Ukraine

Publisher: Mental Health and Social Inclusion

Authors: Valeriia Palii, Viktoriia Gorbunova, Natalia Gusak, Vitalii Klymchuk, Zemfira Kondur, Viola Popenko, John Oates


Теорія І Практика Проектування Мультимедійних Електронних Освітніх Ресурсів Професійної Підготовки Майбутніх Викладачів Іноземних Мов

Publisher: Вид. центр КНЛУ

Authors: Valeriia Palii, Bondarenko Oleksandr, Olha Matviienko, Tamara Koval, Solovei Myroslav, Valeriia Kudina, Anton Avramchuk, Nataliia Maiier, Olha Shcherbyna, Polina Asoiants, Volodymyr Demchuk, Olena Besklinska, Yevhen Plotnikov, Svitlana Fedko

Journal article

Опитувальник 16 Pf: Потенціал Діагностики Та Оцінки Професійних Компетенцій (На Прикладі Викладачів Філологічних Спеціальностей)

Publisher: Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету

Authors: Valeriia Palii

Journal article

The Experience Of Launching A Psychological Hotline Across 21 Countries To Support Ukrainians In Wartime

Publisher: Mental Health and Social Inclusion

Authors: Valeriia Palii, Mariana Velykodna, Marcio Pereira, Rosaleen McElvaney, Sam Bernard, Vitalii Klymchuk, Oleg Burlachuk, Alexander A. Lupis, Nadiia Diatel, Jane L. Ireland, Kimberley McNeill, Janina L. Scarlet, Ana L. Jaramillo-Sierra, Bassam Khoury, Diana Rocio Sánchez Munar, Sarah L. Hedlund, Tara Flanagan, Jeanne LeBlanc, Diana Maria Agudelo Velez, Yvonne Gómez-Maquet

Journal article

Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal Ideation And Social Determinants Of Mental Health Of Romani In Ukraine

Publisher: Mental Health and Social Inclusion

Authors: Valeriia Palii, Vitalii Klymchuk, Olha Savychenko, Zemfira Kondur, Viola Popenko, John Oates

Journal article

Психологічні Особливості Гендерної Поведінки Осіб Раннього Підліткового Віку

Publisher: Psychological counseling and psychotherapy

Authors: Valeriia Palii, Olena Hrankina

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