Conference proceedings

Where Will Demand For Land Come From? Evidence From Farm Models



Published in:

“2017 World Bank Conference On Land And Poverty”


farmland market

Farmland market in Ukraine is not fully functional due to the farmland sales ban or moratorium that effectively prohibits sales transactions for over 15 years already. Yet under the pressure of economic hardship and badly needed investments in the country and to some extend under the pressure from international donors, the moratorium is expected to be lifted from 2018. One of the important parameters of the future farmland sales market is a potential demand. Its estimate will help to analyse a potential price development over the initial period after lifting moratorium, an extend of needed market restrictions and potential demand for financial resources from the banking sector. In this paper we try to estimate a potential farmland demand from agricultural producers using two approaches: 1) by using recent farm surveys, and 2) farm level performance data for a population of agricultural producers in Ukraine for 2013- 2015. Both approaches demonstrate rather close results.

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56 publications found

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An Interim Assessment of the War‑Induced Damages and Losses in Ukraine’s Agriculture

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Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Roman Neyter

Working paper

War‑Induced Damages and Reconstruction in Ukraine

Publisher: SSRN

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Dmytro Gortyunov, Anna Nagurney

Conference proceedings

Agricultural And Economywide Effects Of The War In Ukraine

Publisher: International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Valentyn Litvinov, Amanda M. Countryman, Ivan Kolodiazhnyi, Mariia Bogonos

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Eu Integration Of Ukraine – Assessing The Challenges For Agri‑Food Public Authorities

Publisher: SSRN

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An Interim Assessment of the War‑Induced Damages and Losses in Ukraine's Agriculture

Publisher: Ukrainian Analytical Digest

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Roman Neyter

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Assessing the Environmental Performance of Agricultural Production Using a Parametric Approach: An Application for Crop Producers in Ukraine

Publisher: Eastern European Economics

Authors: Olha Halytsia, Maria Vrachiolia, Oleg Nivievskyi, Johannes Sauer

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Decentralisation And Territorial Amalgamations: The Effect On Public Expenditures And Incomes In Ukraine

Publisher: SSRN

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Anna Harus, Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger, Olha Halytsia

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Impact Of Russia’S War On Ukrainian Agriculture

Publisher: Center for Security Studies

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Roman Neyter, Alexander Mkrtchian, Daniel Müller

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Quantification of International Trade Network Performance Under Disruptions to Supply, Transportation, and Demand Capacity, and Exchange Rates in Disasters

Publisher: University of Massachusetts

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Pavlo Martyshev, Anna Nagurney, Dana Hassani

Journal article

Assessing The Environmental Performance Of Agricultural Production Using A Parametric Approach: An Application For Crop Producers In Ukraine

Publisher: Eastern European Economics

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Olha Halytsia, Maria Vrachiolia, Johannes Sauer