Book Chapter

Agricultural Policy in Ukraine



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Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України

Building upon the theory and methodology of agricultural policy developed in the previous chapter, in Chapter 2 we analyse and assess agricultural policy making in Ukraine since the breakup of Soviet Union till today. Going from top down to the bottom, we begin by describing the evolution of state policy in the agri-food sector. In the beginning, we describe the major milestones of agricultural policy making since independence, paving the way to the political economy of the modern agricultural policy in Ukraine. Then we describe the role of agri-food sector in the national economy as well as globally in ensuring food security in the world. After, we dig deeper and focus on a detailed performance of agricultural sector by looking at farm structures, their land use, overall and sector-wise untapped productivity potential. Modern agricultiral policy and institutional set-up is contained and analysed in details in the section 2.4. A review of the agricultural up- and downstream sectors wraps up this chapter.

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44 publications found

Journal article

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Journal article

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Publisher: European Journal of Operational Research

Authors: Anna Nagurney, Dana Hassani, Nivievskyi Oleg, Pavlo Martyshev

Working paper

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Publisher: SSRN

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Anna Harus, Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger, Olha Halytsia

Working paper

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Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Roman Neyter, Olha Halytsia, Pavlo Martyshev, Oleksandr Donchenko

Working paper

Dairy Supply Chain In Ukraine: Bottlenecks And Directions For Development

Publisher: IAMO Forum

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Maria Ryzhkova, Inna Ilienko

Working paper

Assessing the Environmental Performance of Agricultural Production Using a Parametric Approach: An Application for Crop Producers in Ukraine

Publisher: Eastern European Economics

Authors: Olha Halytsia, Maria Vrachiolia, Oleg Nivievskyi, Johannes Sauer


Country Report: Ukraine

Publisher: Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Oleksa Stepanuik, Veronika Movchan, Yulia Ogarenko

Working paper

Imposing of Consumer Tax on Sugar-sweetened Beverages: The Outcomes for Ukraine’s Sugar Sector

Publisher: SSRN

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Roman Neyter, Pavlo Martyshev, Volodymyr Vakhitov

Conference proceedings

The Determinants of Dairy Farming Competitiveness in Ukraine

Publisher: European Association of Agricultural Economists

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel


The Essays On Competitiveness, Efficiency, And Productivity: Methodological Issues And Applications

Publisher: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Authors: Oleg Nivievskyi